The Dermaflash Luxe Dermaplaning Tool Is on Sale for 25% Off

May 2024 · 3 minute read

IMO, dermaplaning is among the most underrated skincare techniques. The process — which relies on a straight-edge scalpel, i.e. a dermaplaning tool — physically removes dry, dead epidermal skin, in addition to vellus hair (aka peach fuzz), to unearth fresh, seal-smooth skin below. By nixing flakes and face-fuzz, dermaplaning delivers an ideal canvas for foundation, which glides smoothly onto skin post-use. Furthermore, removing surface debris allows ensuing skincare products to more effectively absorb into skin.

Until a few years ago, dermaplaning was relegated to medspas and esthetician’s offices. Then, in 2015, Dermaflash launched its at-home dermaplaning tool, which has since garnered acclaim from celebrity makeup artists, skincare aficionados, and InStyle testers. While other brands have followed suit, launching similar tools in recent years, Dermaflash remains the preeminent pick. I've been using the device weekly for years to maintain silky, radiant skin. TBH, I can hardly imagine prepping for a big event without it. The brand's latest model, the Dermaflash Luxe+, is even more effective than the original — and, for a limited time, on sale for 25 percent off.


The Dermaflash Luxe+ is a peach fuzz-removing, deeply exfoliating skincare wand that delivers a radiant, silky, complexion — painlessly. The process takes mere minutes, and results last around a week.

The Luxe comes with everything you need to begin — or enhance — your dermaplaning journey, whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned slougher. In addition to the tool itself, it includes five replacement blades, a charger, a cleanser formulated to prep skin for dermaplaning, and a silky moisturizer to lock in maximum glow post-flash.

The key draw of Dermaflash, versus other tools I've tried, is its series of sonic vibrations. A simple press of a power button allows you to choose between two speeds, both of which increase circulation and blood flow beneath the skin to further amp up glow and leave skin looking lively and fresh.

The blades on the Luxe device, dubbed “microfine edges,” are sharper and more precise than those of the previous model. Consequently, the Luxe removes even more fuzz and dull, flaky skin, in turn delivering an unparalleled glasslike glow.


Despite the blades' notable sharpness, they're exceptionally safe. Whereas other dermaplaning tools have left me with small cuts, the Luxe provides an invariably nick-free experience; for this reason, it's perfect for beginners, too. One InStyle tester, who attested to its ease of use, also remarked on the tools's ergonomic appeal: “The thickness of the device allows you to get a good grip and feel comfortable while swiping," they shared.

On a separate note, there's an element of satisfaction in using the tool, as it collects visible debris with each stroke across the skin. Equally satisfying: Revealing a seal-smooth surface in mere minutes. Oh, and your foundation will glide on more smoothly than you'd ever thought possible. It's for these reasons my 71-year-old mom, sister, and friends, who've tried the tool per my recommendation, are absolutely smitten with their results. Truly, I'm not sure how I ever lived without it.

Finally, to address a common concern: Dermaplaning does not make your hair will grow back thicker. I promise.

If megawatt glow and a glasslike look and feel appeals, do yourself a favor: Shop my secret to impossibly smooth skin, the Dermaflash Luxe+, while it’s still on sale until February 19. I can virtually guarantee you'll thank me later.

Shop more Dermaflash skincare tools on sale:

Dermapore Ultrasonic Pore Extractor


Dermaflash Botanical Ketoacid Toner

