Baby girl critically burned when gas can explodes while...

May 2024 · 2 minute read
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A one-year-old girl suffered severe burns in an explosion at a north Charlotte home Tuesday evening.

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Family members said Emily Hinton was fighting for her life at a burn center in Winston-Salem Wednesday.

On Tuesday, Emily and her grandmother, Belina Carr, were outside their north Charlotte home and Carr was burning trash.

"The gas can, she didn't even see where it was, and she doesn't know where it happened, but sparks flown up and landed on it and ignited it, and that's when it exploded,” said family friend Denise Mckellar.

The explosion burned Carr in the face and hands, but friends said Emily was hurt the most.

"She is still in very critical condition. They have her on life support and a medically induced coma,” said Davidson.

Doctors said if she survives, she will need multiple surgeries throughout her life

"It was just a total accident, and even her mom, Amy, says she doesn't blame Belinda for it,” said McKellar. “It was just a total accident.”

Emily's father, Andy Hinton, posted the following message on Facebook after the incident:

"We just talked to doctor and they said if she pulls through she will need multiple surgeries throughout her life... we are having a really rough time wrapping our minds around all this... be thankful for what you have every day because it can be taken away in a blink... my beautiful baby will never be the same.. but I will take her however I can get her and love her like she has never been loved.. please pray for our family... thanks to everyone for their support." 

A GoFundMe page for Emily has been set up, which anyone can donate to here.
