Cole LaBrant Net Worth How Much is Cole LaBrant Worth?

May 2024 · 13 minute read

Cole LaBrant, the popular social media personality known for his comedy on TikTok, has garnered an incredible net worth through his successful career. With his entertaining content and growing fan base, Cole’s net worth is estimated to be around $18 million.

Cole LaBrant comedy net worth tiktok

Key Takeaways:

The Rise of Cole LaBrant

Cole LaBrant’s journey to fame and success began on the now-defunct platform Vine, where he captivated audiences with his dance videos and infectious personality. His talent for creating funny and relatable content quickly gained him a large following, setting the stage for his rise to social media stardom.

However, it was Cole’s appearance on The Amazing Race Season 28 that catapulted him into the mainstream spotlight. As millions of viewers watched him tackle challenges and showcase his comedic abilities, his popularity soared to new heights. The exposure from the show further solidified his status as a rising star, and his online presence continued to expand.

Throughout his career, Cole has been known for consistently producing viral content that resonates with his audience. His comedic talent, combined with his ability to connect with viewers on a personal level, has been the key to his success. Whether it’s through hilarious skits, relatable anecdotes, or heartwarming moments, Cole has managed to create a loyal and engaged fan base.

Embracing the power of social media, Cole has built a strong online presence across various platforms. With millions of followers on TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube, he has established himself as a prominent figure in the digital space. His ability to adapt to changing trends and consistently deliver entertaining content has allowed him to maintain his online fame and continue to grow his audience.

With each viral video, Cole’s reach and influence on social media have expanded. By leveraging his online fame, he has also had the opportunity to collaborate with other content creators and brands, further solidifying his status as an influential figure in the industry.

“My goal has always been to create content that makes people laugh and brightens their day. I’m so grateful for the support of my fans and the opportunities that social media has provided me.”

Cole LaBrant’s comedic career and social media success have not only brought him fame but also considerable financial rewards. His ability to generate viral content, build a strong online presence, and connect with his audience has propelled him to great heights in the world of social media.

Continue reading to learn about the YouTube success and earnings that have contributed to Cole’s net worth in Section 3.

YouTube Success and Earnings

One of the major sources of Cole LaBrant’s net worth is his YouTube channel, “The LaBrant Fam.” With over 13.1 million subscribers, the channel generates approximately $5.5 million in ad revenue annually. Cole also has a separate YouTube channel, where he further adds to his income. Through monetized views and sponsored content, Cole has been able to earn a significant income from his YouTube career.

YouTube ChannelSubscribersAnnual Ad Revenue
The LaBrant Fam13.1 million$5.5 million
Cole LaBrantN/AN/A

Cole’s success on YouTube can be attributed to his engaging content, relatable personality, and ability to connect with his audience. His videos range from vlogs, challenges, pranks, and family adventures, all of which resonate with his subscribers and contribute to his growing income.

In addition to ad revenue, Cole also collaborates with brands for sponsored content on his YouTube channels. These partnerships not only provide additional income but also expose Cole to a wider audience and expand his reach as an influencer.

“YouTube has been an incredible platform for me to share my life, entertain my viewers, and earn a living doing what I love. I’m grateful for the support of my subscribers and the opportunities that have come my way through this platform.” – Cole LaBrant

It is worth noting that building a successful YouTube channel is not an easy task. It requires consistent content creation, engagement with the audience, and strategic collaborations. Cole’s dedication to his YouTube career and his ability to adapt to the evolving digital landscape have undoubtedly contributed to his earnings.

With his YouTube success and other income streams, Cole LaBrant has established himself as a prominent figure in the world of online entertainment and has significantly contributed to his overall net worth.

TikTok Stardom

With over 22 million followers on TikTok, Cole LaBrant and his wife Savannah Labrant have become major influencers on the platform. Their entertaining and relatable content has resonated with a large audience, propelling them to TikTok Stardom.

Cole LaBrant tiktok

The popularity of TikTok has not only increased their reach but also contributed to Cole’s overall net worth. As established influencers, companies often collaborate with Cole and Savannah for branded videos, providing them with additional income.

TikTok has played a significant role in giving Cole LaBrant a platform to showcase his comedic talent and connect with a larger audience. Through funny skits, challenges, and entertaining content, Cole continues to captivate TikTok users and further solidify his position as a social media influencer.

Instagram Influence

One platform where Cole LaBrant has achieved remarkable success is Instagram, where he boasts a massive following of over 7.3 million dedicated fans. Through his Instagram account, Cole regularly shares glimpses of his life, sneak peeks of upcoming videos, and behind-the-scenes moments with his followers.

With a strong presence on Instagram, Cole’s influence extends beyond just one social media platform. His engaging content, relatable personality, and comedic talent have garnered him a loyal fan base. By utilizing Instagram, Cole effectively connects with his followers and strengthens his online persona as a social media influencer.

On his Instagram profile, Cole interacts with his fans through comments, direct messages, and story features. He engages in conversations, responds to messages, and shares exclusive content that further solidifies his status as an influential online personality.

“Fans can expect a mix of hilarious skits, heartwarming family moments, and exciting collaborations on my Instagram. It’s a place where I can share more of myself and keep my fans entertained!”

In addition to interacting with fans, Cole strategically promotes his content on Instagram. From previews of upcoming YouTube videos to announcements of new projects, Instagram serves as a platform where Cole generates excitement and engages his audience.

To enhance his Instagram presence, Cole utilizes various features such as stories, IGTV, and engaging captions to captivate his followers. By consistently delivering entertaining and relatable content, Cole continues to expand his social media success and solidify his place as a powerhouse in the digital space.

Cole LaBrant's Instagram

In 2018, Cole and his wife Savannah published a book called “Cole and Sav: Our Surprising Love Story.” The book tells the captivating tale of their journey as a couple, as well as their experiences as parents. It quickly became a bestseller, resonating with fans and readers alike.

“Our Surprising Love Story is a heartfelt and relatable account of our lives,” Cole explains. “We wanted to share our struggles, triumphs, and valuable life lessons with our fans. It has been an incredible experience connecting with readers on a deeper level and inspiring them with our story.”

The publication of “Cole and Sav: Our Surprising Love Story” not only showcased their literary talents but also contributed to Cole’s earnings. The book’s success allowed Cole and Savannah to expand their brand and connect with a wider audience beyond their online platforms.

This venture into book publishing further solidified Cole’s diverse revenue streams and added to his already impressive earnings. By sharing their personal experiences and life lessons, Cole and Savannah have inspired countless individuals and created lasting connections through their written words.

Book Publication Earnings

While the exact earnings from the book publication are not publicly disclosed, it is safe to assume that the success of “Cole and Sav: Our Surprising Love Story” significantly contributed to Cole LaBrant’s overall net worth. The book’s popularity, combined with ongoing sales and royalties, undoubtedly boosted Cole’s earnings and further established his position as a multifaceted entertainer.

“Cole and Sav: Our Surprising Love Story”Contributed to Cole’s overall net worth

Merchandise and Collaborations

Like many content creators, Cole LaBrant and his family have expanded their brand by releasing merchandise for their dedicated fans. The Labrant Fam merchandise includes a range of products like clothing, accessories, and home goods, showcasing their unique style and personality. Fans can proudly wear their favorite Labrant Fam apparel and display their support for the family’s content.

In addition to merchandise, Cole LaBrant and his family have also collaborated with various brands for sponsorships and endorsements. Their strong online presence, relatable content, and authenticity make them an attractive choice for brand partnerships. Collaborations with well-known companies not only provide financial benefits but also offer fans exciting opportunities to engage with their favorite influencers.

“Our collaborations with different brands allow us to offer exclusive discounts and giveaways to our amazing followers. It’s a win-win situation where we can connect with our audience in fresh and exciting ways while also increasing our earnings.”

– Cole LaBrant

The Labrant Fam’s collaborations have included partnerships with companies in various industries, such as fashion, beauty, and lifestyle. These collaborations often involve creating sponsored content, product endorsements, and promotional campaigns across different social media platforms.

Their close-knit and genuine family dynamic, combined with their captivating content, have attracted a broad audience, making the Labrant Fam an influential force in the world of social media marketing. Through these collaborations, Cole LaBrant and his family continue to enhance their financial success while providing their fans with entertaining and valuable content.

It’s worth noting that despite the financial gains from these endeavors, the Labrant Fam’s commitment to their followers remains strong, ensuring that their partnerships align with their values and resonate with their audience.

Cole LaBrant merchandise

The Power of Social Media

Through their YouTube channel, “The LaBrant Fam,” Cole and Savannah have established a loyal fan base that has contributed to their impressive net worth. With over 13.1 million subscribers, the channel generates substantial ad revenue annually, adding to their financial success.

“Our fans have been incredibly supportive, and we are grateful for their continued love and support. Without them, none of this would be possible,” Cole said in an interview.

In addition to their YouTube earnings, the LaBrant family has leveraged their online fame to secure lucrative sponsorship deals. By collaborating with various brands, they have been able to further increase their net worth and expand their reach.

Diversifying Income Streams

Cole and Savannah have also explored other avenues to boost their earnings. In 2018, they co-authored a book titled “Cole and Sav: Our Surprising Love Story.” The book was a success, resonating with their fans and contributing to their overall net worth.

Furthermore, the LaBrant family has released merchandise for their dedicated fan base. From clothing lines to branded products, their merchandise sales have added to their growing wealth.

A Bright Future Ahead

With their ever-expanding online empire, it’s clear that the LaBrant family’s financial success will continue to grow. Cole and Savannah’s entrepreneurial spirit and ability to captivate audiences will undoubtedly lead to new opportunities and ventures that will further increase their net worth in the future.

As the world of social media continues to evolve, the LaBrant family remains at the forefront, showcasing their talent and engaging with millions of followers. Their relatable content and genuine personalities have established them as influential figures in the digital space, allowing them to build a substantial fortune.

Career Highlights and Achievements

Throughout his career, Cole LaBrant has achieved numerous milestones and received recognition for his talents. From being nominated for a Shorty award for best Viner to appearing on The Amazing Race, Cole’s journey in the entertainment industry has been filled with notable successes.

“I believe that laughter has the power to bring people together and make a positive impact. My goal has always been to create content that not only entertains but also spreads joy and positivity to my audience.”

Cole’s ability to create engaging and comedic content has made him a household name and solidified his position as a prominent figure in the world of social media. His hilarious skits, relatable anecdotes, and charismatic personality have resonated with millions of viewers, catapulting him to stardom.

One of Cole’s greatest achievements was his appearance on The Amazing Race Season 28, where he competed alongside his mother, Sheri. Their dynamic duo captured the hearts of viewers as they navigated challenges and showcased their strong bond.

Furthermore, Cole’s dedication to his craft and determination to entertain have earned him a loyal fan base and countless accolades. He has been recognized for his comedic prowess and received praise for his ability to connect with his audience on a deep and personal level.

As Cole continues to shine in the world of entertainment, his impressive achievements serve as a testament to his talent and the impact he has made in the industry.

Future Endeavors

As Cole LaBrant continues to make waves in the world of comedy and social media, he shows no signs of slowing down. With his incredible creativity, undeniable talent, and an army of dedicated fans, Cole is poised for even greater success in the future.

Having conquered platforms like Vine, YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram, Cole has built a strong foundation for his career. As he looks ahead, he undoubtedly has exciting new projects and endeavors in the works that will captivate his audience and expand his already impressive repertoire.

Fans can eagerly anticipate more of Cole’s signature entertaining content, whether it’s hilarious skits, heartwarming family moments, or thought-provoking collaborations. With each endeavor, Cole pushes boundaries and continues to establish himself as a force to be reckoned with in the world of online entertainment.

As Cole LaBrant’s net worth continues to soar, fueled by his remarkable talent and ever-increasing fan base, it’s clear that his career is only going to ascend to greater heights. So buckle up and get ready for an exhilarating ride as Cole LaBrant takes on new challenges and embarks on exciting new projects in the coming years.


How much is Cole LaBrant worth?

Cole LaBrant has an estimated net worth of around $18 million.

How did Cole LaBrant gain popularity?

Cole LaBrant gained popularity through his comedy content on platforms like Vine and TikTok, as well as appearing on The Amazing Race Season 28.

How much does Cole LaBrant earn from YouTube?

Cole LaBrant’s YouTube channel, “The LaBrant Fam,” generates approximately $5.5 million in ad revenue annually.

How influential is Cole LaBrant on TikTok?

Cole LaBrant has over 22 million followers on TikTok, making him a highly influential figure on the platform.

How many followers does Cole LaBrant have on Instagram?

Cole LaBrant has over 7.3 million followers on Instagram.

What book did Cole LaBrant publish?

Cole and his wife Savannah published a book titled “Cole and Sav: Our Surprising Love Story.”

Does Cole LaBrant have merchandise and brand collaborations?

Yes, Cole and his family have released merchandise and collaborated with various brands for sponsorships.

How much is the LaBrant family worth?

The LaBrant family’s net worth is estimated to be in the tens of millions.

What are some career highlights of Cole LaBrant?

Cole LaBrant has been nominated for a Shorty award for best Viner and appeared on The Amazing Race.

What can fans expect from Cole LaBrant in the future?

Fans can look forward to more entertaining content and new ventures from Cole LaBrant in the future.
