Hilarious Artistic Fails That Look Nothing Like Their Subject

May 2024 · 1 minute read

Just hearing the name Lucille Ball conjures warm, nostalgic images of a bug-eyed crone with bared teeth, staggering after you on a rainswept night, swigging a bottle of hooch and screaming that the government's planting radios in her brain. Oh, what's that? Absolutely no one associates those horrific things with the star of I Love Lucy? Well, someone better invent a time machine and tell sculptor Dave Poulin, since that's exactly what his 2009 statue of Ball looks like.

In the mid-2000s, Ball's tiny hometown of Celoron decided to honor their most-famous resident. Unfortunately, their population of 1,250 meant they couldn't afford any real, hotshot sculptors for the job. So they hired Mr. Poulin, who promptly delivered a statue so horrifyingly ugly, it immediately won the nickname "Scary Lucy."

"Scary Lucy" looked like concept art for a bad-taste horror movie involving the desecrated corpse of Lucille Ball crawling out the grave in search of an all-day Happy Hour. Locals hated it so much, the town begged Poulin to change it — he refused unless they paid him. For tiny Celoron, that wasn't an option, so the town was stuck with Poulin's "masterpiece" for seven years, before four anonymous donors who, actually did love Lucy, ponied up the cash for a replacement.
