Is High Evolutionary Dead? The Fate of the Mad Scientist

May 2024 · 6 minute read

The High Evolutionary is one of the most powerful and ambitious villains in the Marvel Universe, a geneticist who sought to create a perfect species out of what he viewed as lower life forms, and build his own utopia. He was responsible for the creation of numerous lifeforms across the galaxy, such as the New Men, the Humanimals, and Counter-Earth. He also had a history of conflict with various superheroes, such as the Guardians of the Galaxy, the Fantastic Four, and the Avengers. But is High Evolutionary dead? What happened to him after his last appearance in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3? And what are the implications of his death or survival for the Marvel Cinematic Universe? In this article, we will try to answer these questions and provide some insights and perspectives on the fate of the mad scientist.

The Last Stand of the High Evolutionary

The last time we saw the High Evolutionary was in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, where he was the main antagonist of the movie. He was revealed to be the creator of Rocket Raccoon, who he abducted and illegally evolved from a raccoon through bionic means. He also created Counter-Earth, a replica of Earth populated by his genetically engineered Humanimals, who he deemed to be imperfect and slated them to planetary destruction. He sought to acquire Rocket for his genius intellect to improve his experiments, and allied himself with the Sovereign, who wanted to capture the Guardians for stealing their Anulax Batteries.

The High Evolutionary’s plans were foiled by the Guardians, who managed to infiltrate his base on Arête Laboratories, a space station orbiting Counter-Earth. There, they freed his test subjects, including Lylla, Rocket’s love interest, and fought against his army of New Men and Sovereign drones. The High Evolutionary confronted Rocket and Star-Lord, and revealed his true face, which was scarred and disfigured by Rocket’s claws when he escaped from his lab. He also revealed that he was not trying to conquer the universe, but to perfect it, and that he saw himself as a godlike being who evolved beyond humanity.

The High Evolutionary used his psionic powers and sentient armor to fight against Rocket and Star-Lord, and proved to be a formidable opponent. He was able to manipulate matter and energy, and to increase and decrease his own size and mass. He also displayed immense intelligence and knowledge, and taunted Rocket and Star-Lord for their flaws and failures. However, he was ultimately defeated by the combined efforts of the Guardians, who used their teamwork and ingenuity to overcome his powers and defenses. Rocket managed to hack into his armor and disable it, while Star-Lord used his Celestial powers to blast him with a powerful energy beam. The High Evolutionary was mortally wounded and fell to the ground, where Rocket confronted him for the last time.

Rocket had the chance to kill the High Evolutionary, and to avenge his suffering and the suffering of his fellow subjects. However, he chose to spare his life, and to show him mercy and compassion. He told him that he did not want to make things perfect, but that he just hated things the way they are. He also told him that he was not a god, but a monster, and that he was sorry for him. Rocket then left the High Evolutionary to his fate, and joined the rest of the Guardians, who escaped from the space station before it self-destructed.

The Death or Survival of the High Evolutionary

The High Evolutionary’s fate was left ambiguous at the end of the movie, as it was not clear if he died from his injuries or survived the explosion of the space station. There are arguments for both possibilities, and different implications for the Marvel Cinematic Universe depending on his death or survival.

If the High Evolutionary died, then it would mean that his experiments and creations would be no more, and that his legacy would be erased. It would also mean that Rocket would have closure and peace, and that he would be free from his past and his creator. It would also mean that the Guardians would have saved Counter-Earth and its inhabitants, and that they would have a new ally and a new home. It would also mean that the Sovereign would have lost their ally and their chance to capture the Guardians, and that they would have to find another way to achieve their goals.

If the High Evolutionary survived, then it would mean that he could still pose a threat to the universe, and that he could still pursue his plans and experiments. It would also mean that Rocket would still have to deal with his creator and his trauma, and that he would not be completely free from his past. It would also mean that the Guardians would have to face the High Evolutionary again, and that they would have to protect Counter-Earth and its inhabitants from his wrath. It would also mean that the Sovereign could still have a chance to ally with the High Evolutionary, or to use his technology and resources for their own purposes.

The Future of the High Evolutionary

The High Evolutionary is a character with a lot of potential and possibilities for the future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, whether he is dead or alive. He is a character who has connections and interactions with many other characters and factions, such as the Inhumans, the Eternals, the X-Men, and the Fantastic Four. He is also a character who has a lot of influence and impact on the cosmic and terrestrial aspects of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, such as the evolution of life, the creation of worlds, and the exploration of dimensions. He is also a character who has a lot of themes and issues to explore, such as the ethics of science, the nature of perfection, and the role of godhood.

The High Evolutionary could appear in future movies and shows, such as Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 4, The Eternals, Fantastic Four, or Secret Wars. He could also be referenced or mentioned in other media, such as comics, books, or games. He could also be the subject of spin-offs or prequels, such as High Evolutionary: Origins, High Evolutionary: Counter-Earth, or High Evolutionary: New Men. He could also be the inspiration or the source of other characters or events, such as Adam Warlock, the Beyonder, or the Evolutionary War.

The High Evolutionary is a character who is not easily forgotten, and who is not easily killed. He is a character who is always evolving, and who is always challenging the status quo. He is a character who is both a villain and a visionary, and who is both a monster and a god. He is a character who is always asking the question: Is High Evolutionary dead?
