14 Pictures Of Hulk Hogan Like You've Never Seen Him Before

May 2024 · 8 minute read

In the professional wrestling world there are few bigger names than Hulk Hogan, with the iconic wrestler having played a huge part in growing the business. He is a major star that has transitioned into the world of Hollywood while also created some of the most memorable moments and matches in wrestling.

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Fans have been able to learn a lot about Hogan over the years, both in and out of the ring through his time in the business. Viewers have seen it all take place and they have created a specific idea of him, but they haven't been able to see everything, with certain photos giving a different side of his personality.


The career of Hulk Hogan lasted long enough to be placed in many situations that the average wrestler won’t experience. Hogan clearly expanded his interests into acting and other forms of branding away from the ring. However, no matter what else he dabbled in, Hogan will always be known for his impact in wrestling.

Hulk found his way into interesting scenarios that fans haven’t always been able to see if the television cameras were off. Even more photos have emerged of Hogan in rarely seen situations that shine a different light on him beyond cutting a promo or hitting a leg drop. Wrestling fans will enjoy the following pictures of Hogan away from the wrestling ring.

14 Meeting Another GOAT

Many longtime fans view Hulk Hogan as the greatest wrestler of all-time due to his impact in WWE and WCW. LeBron James has an even stronger argument in his sport as one of the all-time greatest NBA superstars.

The Dallas Cowboys hosted both James and Hogan when this photograph surfaced of them meeting the team owner Jerry Jones. LeBron was a huge wrestling fan growing up and even attended a WWE show early into his career taking photos on a flip phone from the crowd.

13 Planning Important Backstage Segment With Vince McMahon

Vince McMahon put any resentment and tension with Hulk Hogan in the past when bringing him back to reunite the New World Order in 2002. Hogan was instantly placed into a huge feud with The Rock that reached the next level with a parking lot attack.

The photo here shows McMahon and Hogan in the parking lot discussing the upcoming segment on a cold night. Hogan went on to drive a tractor-trailer into an ambulance with The Rock inside of it to set up their WrestleMania 18 attraction.

12 NWO 4 Life

WCW tried to reach new marketing deals in every aspect when reaching their peak in the latter half of the 1990s. Hulk Hogan and Diamond Dallas Page are shown here attending an event revealing various WCW toys.

The new items helped WCW expand its outreach in a world where WWE often did better in. Hogan is wearing the red and black New World Order shirt representing the nWo Elite when that group existed in early 1999. WCW likely benefited immensely from this deal if Hogan was attending it on his off time.

11 Embracing The Next Generation

Hulk Hogan started appearing for WWE again in 2014 a few years after his TNA run ended and WWE welcomed him back into the family. One of the new wrestlers at that time was Kevin Owens trying to make his impact in the top promotion.

The photo of the two embracing mirrored Hogan’s comments praising Owens in future interviews. However, later years would see Hogan exaggerating by claiming he was the first one to praise Owens. Even with the lies, it was a cool gesture of Hogan to put over Owens in such a manner.

10 Rock And Roll Star

Hulk Hogan is best known for his ability inside the ring, which is where he has become a famous name in the world, but he does have plenty of other skills as well. One of those includes his ability to play the guitar, which is something that a lot of people aren't aware of.

The legend got involved in playing music at different times throughout his wrestling career, but it is a skill many fans won't have witnessed, particularly with younger audiences. However, it showcases the fact he is a talented person who has worked hard on creating different skills.

9 Meeting All Of His Fans

Hulk Hogan is obviously a popular professional wrestler, and that is something that has been clear over the years. However, until images like this are seen a lot of people don't realize just how big of a star he was with the audience at the time, which was a huge deal for WWE.

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This picture showcases how much merchandise was being sold for him at the time as all the fans got the chance to meet the Hulkster next to his bus. It gives a great glimpse at the scale of Hogan's popularity, which is why he was able to become such a big name.

8 Celebrity Friends

Wrestling and celebrities tend to go hand in hand, as there is always a clear connection between them. Many celebrities enjoy watching professional wrestling, and they also often turn up to watch the shows or do some work. That has created some friendships and connections between some of them.

That was the case with Hulk Hogan and Jay Leno, with the two of them becoming friends. It's a partnership that a lot of fans might not know about, but it does show just how big of a star Hogan became that he was able to rub shoulders with major names.

7 Running Karaoke

After hanging up his wrestling boots Hulk Hogan has taken on a variety of roles, but running a karaoke night is likely one that fans aren't aware of. However, every Monday he can be found running his own show with people getting to sing along while he watches on.

This takes place at his own bar, and it has become quite a popular event with other wrestlers turning up at times, including Ric Flair. It's a completely different side of the Hulkster that most people are used to, with this not being how he was presented as a World Champion in the past.

6 Continuing To Stay In Shape

Hulk Hogan has always been well known for his fantastic physique with that being a big part of his career overall, and that isn't something that has changed over the years. Even at this point in his life the WWE Hall Of Famer is still working hard in order to maintain the shape he's always had.

Hogan has put together some brilliant work over the years on his body, despite the number of injuries and issues that he has had. But it is photographs like this which provide a great glimpse at the effort he is happy to put in.

5 Chatting With Fellow Legends

This is an iconic image featuring some of the biggest names in wrestling history. But it is also a rare situation as seeing Hulk Hogan, The Rock, and Steve Austin together is not something that has happened much over the years in wrestling history, despite their obvious star power.

RELATED: 10 Things Fans Forget About Hulk Hogan's Career

The three men obviously have tons of respect for each other and what they have done in the business over the years, and for a fan to see them all having a moment together is a situation audiences love.

4 nWo Hanging Out

The nWo are one of the most well-known factions in the history of the wrestling business, and they are a group that audiences have always loved. The reason they worked so well is down to the on-screen charisma and chemistry that they had, which connected with the fans.

But behind the scenes these four men are great friends, and that is why they ended up being such a success. The group have fantastic chemistry together, and that was clear backstage at WrestleMania 37 as they still hung out together.

3 Enjoying A Vacation

Most of the time when fans see Hulk Hogan he is working in wrestling, whether that be competing in the ring or appearing as a legend. However, just like everybody else he enjoys having some vacation time as well, getting away from everything and relaxing.

That isn't a side of Hogan that people get to see on a regular basis, because he enjoys being private overall. But, it is interesting to see him just having fun, taking a moment in the sea to relax.

2 Acknowledging The Tribal Chief

Hulk Hogan has been around the wrestling business for a long time, and that has allowed him to se a lot of great wrestlers come up in the business to develop into major characters. One of those is Roman Reigns, who Hogan has known since he was just a baby, which can be seen here.

Hogan holding a young version of the Tribal Chief creates an amazing picture when looking at how successful Roman has ended up becoming in the world of professional wrestling.

1 Celebrations With Andre

When people think about Hulk Hogan, Andre The Giant doesn't tend to be too far away. The two men had their careers linked, whether that was as friends or rivals, with their matches being some of the most iconic in the history of the business, which helped take WWE to new heights.

They might have pushed each other to their limits inside the ring, but in real life they were close friends and that can be seen in this picture, with Andre making sure Hogan got his celebrations.
