Gross girl lives in middle of nowhere, doesnt shower for weeks

May 2024 · 3 minute read

A woman who lives in the “middle of nowhere” has defended her “gross” lifestyle, which includes not showering for a week and not brushing her teeth every day.

Annabel Fenwick Elliott took to TikTok to reveal the “gross things I do because I live alone, in the middle of nowhere, with no contact with other humans.”

First, self-described “gross girl” Elliott explained that she doesn’t shower very often, “literally sometimes for a week.”

“I don’t see the point, I don’t really like the feeling, being wet and then having to get dry and it’s cold,” she sighed.

She also said she doesn’t use deodorant — “again I don’t see the point.”

“I don’t see anyone and it doesn’t bother me — I don’t feel very dirty even though I am,” she continued.

“It’s gross, isn’t it. I do use deodorant if I’m going to Tesco — out of courtesy for other people, but really only then.”

Elliott added that she doesn’t brush her hair, even though she knows it will get “matted” if she doesn’t.

“I don’t brush my teeth very often either,” she said.

Annabel Fenwick Elliott took to TikTok to explain that she doesn’t shower, brush her teeth or use deodorant very often. @annabelmaud

“I know that’s really bad and stupid. I don’t like brushing them first thing in the morning because first thing in the morning I eat and it makes everything taste weird.

“You shouldn’t brush your teeth after you eat immediately because apparently you circulate the food into your teeth which is bad for them — a dentist told me that.

“So given that I snack all day or otherwise forget, there’s just never a good time.”

And when it comes to keeping her crockery and utensils clean, she just rinses them — with water and no soap — because she has a favorite mug and favorite bowl that she always uses.

“I also don’t make my bed and I’m also really stingy about using laundry tablets because they’re really expensive,” she said.

Elliott added that she doesn’t brush her hair, even though she knows it will get “matted” if she doesn’t. @annabelmaud

Concluding her video, Elliott stated: “So I wouldn’t say I’m opposed to soap and toothpaste and detergent because I’m a hippie, but maybe deep down, inside my soul, I am just a hippie.”

Elliott’s admission about her way of life divided opinion among the people commenting on the video, with one writing: “I work for myself and live alone. I do pretty much the same. Its heaven!”

“I’m not sure why I’m watching this because I’m the complete opposite,” someone else added.

“Are you like this because you live alone or do you live alone because you live like this? No judgement literally my dream life,” another person asked.

To which Elliott replied: “Ha good question! I am far more civilized when living with others.

“Have just been living alone since I moved out of London during pandemic.”

She also just rinses her favorite mug with water so she can use it again and again — rather than putting it in the dishwasher. @annabelmaud

This story originally appeared on the Sun and was reproduced here with permission.
