Who Owns BMW? BMW Company History

May 2024 · 16 minute read

Have you ever wondered who owns BMW, the iconic luxury automobile brand? In this article, we delve into the rich history of BMW, its origins, and its journey to becoming one of the world’s leading automotive companies. From its humble beginnings as Bayerische Flugzeug-Werke AG (BFW) to its prominence today as a premium supplier of automobiles, motorcycles, and mobility services, BMW has a fascinating story to tell.

Established in 1916, BMW has evolved over the years, embodying innovation, luxury, and performance in every vehicle it produces. With a relentless commitment to creating efficient and sustainable vehicles, BMW has become synonymous with quality and prestige in the automotive industry.

In this article, we will explore the early years of BMW, its iconic emblem, the company’s expansion into motorcycle manufacturing and later automotive construction. We will also discuss BMW’s resilience during World War II, its post-war recovery, and its resurgence with the introduction of the New Class range of vehicles. Additionally, we will cover BMW’s acquisitions and expansion, its innovative technologies, and its current status and future outlook.

Key Takeaways:

The Early Years: Karl Rapp and Gustav Otto

BMW can trace its roots back to two pioneers in the automotive industry, Karl Rapp and Gustav Otto.

In 1916, Karl Rapp’s Flugmaschinenfabrik Gustav Otto company merged with Bayerische Flugzeug-Werke AG (BFW), laying the foundation for what would later become BMW AG. This merger marked a significant milestone in the company’s history, with the official foundation date being recognized as March 7, 1916.

Karl Rapp’s own company, Rapp Motorenwerke, underwent its own transformation and became Bayerische Motoren Werke GmbH in 1917. Just a year later, it was converted into an AG (public limited company), solidifying BMW’s position as a leading automotive manufacturer.

These early years set the stage for BMW’s rise to prominence, with Karl Rapp and Gustav Otto’s vision and expertise shaping the company’s future.

“The merger between Flugmaschinenfabrik Gustav Otto and Bayerische Flugzeug-Werke AG laid the foundation for BMW’s success as an automotive manufacturer.”

The BMW Emblem and Company Relocation

The iconic BMW emblem, which incorporates the Bavarian state colors, has become synonymous with the brand. Introduced in 1917, the emblem represents the rich heritage and excellence that BMW stands for.

BMW emblem

In 1922, BMW AG made a significant move by transferring its engine construction operations and brand names to Bayerische Flugzeug-Werke (BFW). This strategic decision enabled BMW to focus on its core automotive expertise, laying the groundwork for the company’s future success.

“The relocation of BMW’s operations in 1922 marked an important milestone in the company’s history. It set the stage for BMW’s emergence as a prominent force in the automotive industry.”

As part of this shift, BMW relocated its headquarters to Munich’s Oberwiesenfeld airfield in the same year. This relocation not only provided the company with a new, modern facility but also symbolized a fresh start and a commitment to growth.

Today, BMW’s headquarters in Munich continues to be the heart of the company’s global operations, showcasing its dedication to engineering excellence and innovation.

The BMW Emblem: A Symbol of Excellence

The BMW emblem, with its blue and white colors, represents the company’s Bavarian roots. The blue color symbolizes BMW’s commitment to technology, innovation, and future-oriented thinking, while the white color reflects purity, elegance, and perfection. Together, these elements embody the essence of BMW’s brand identity.

Relocation to Munich’s Oberwiesenfeld: A Turning Point

The relocation of BMW’s operations to Munich’s Oberwiesenfeld airfield in 1922 was a strategic move that marked a turning point in the company’s history. This move provided BMW with the infrastructure and resources necessary for its continued growth and development as a global automotive leader.

Munich’s Oberwiesenfeld airfield, with its state-of-the-art facilities and proximity to key markets, offered BMW the perfect environment to expand its production capabilities and strengthen its position in the industry.

Furthermore, the relocation allowed BMW to establish a closer connection to its Bavarian roots, reinforcing the company’s commitment to its heritage and traditions. Today, Munich remains synonymous with BMW, serving as a hub for innovation, research, and development.

1917Introduction of the BMW emblem
1922Transfer of engine construction operations and brand names to BFW
1922Relocation to Munich’s Oberwiesenfeld airfield

BMW’s Entry into Motorcycle Manufacturing

In 1923, BMW made its entrance into the motorcycle industry at the Berlin Motor Show, marking the beginning of a new chapter in BMW’s rich history. The debut of the BMW R 32 motorcycle, designed by Max Friz, revolutionized the industry with its innovative features and exceptional performance.

The BMW R 32 boasted a groundbreaking design, featuring an encapsulated repair-friendly construction and a drive shaft system that made servicing easier than ever before. This engineering marvel set a new standard for motorcycle design and functionality, creating a ripple effect throughout the industry.

The introduction of the BMW R 32 was a game-changer in motorcycle history. Its success laid the foundation for BMW’s future triumphs in the motorcycle industry and solidified the brand’s reputation for producing high-quality, performance-driven motorcycles.

“The BMW R 32 is a milestone in motorcycle history, representing the start of BMW’s enduring legacy in the world of motorcycles.”

BMW R 32 Motorcycle

BMW’s Distinctive Boxer Engine

One of the defining features of BMW motorcycles is the distinctive Boxer engine. The Boxer engine, also known as a flat-twin engine, consists of two horizontally opposed cylinders that provide excellent balance, smooth operation, and a unique sound.

This iconic engine configuration has been a hallmark of BMW motorcycles since the debut of the BMW R 32. Today, the Boxer engine continues to be a key element in BMW’s motorcycle lineup, delivering a combination of power, reliability, and distinct character that enthusiasts crave.

BMW Motorcycle Heritage

Throughout its history, BMW motorcycles have been cherished by riders around the world. The brand’s commitment to quality, craftsmanship, and innovation has cemented BMW’s position as a leader in the motorcycle industry.

BMW’s motorcycle lineup spans a wide range of models, from touring and adventure bikes to sport and urban motorcycles. Each model incorporates advanced technology, cutting-edge design, and a passion for the open road.

Table: BMW’s Motorcycle Models

BMW S 1000 RRSport
BMW R 1250 GSAdventure
BMW K 1600 GTLTouring
BMW F 850 GSOff-Road
BMW G 310 RUrban

These models represent just a glimpse into BMW’s diverse range of motorcycles, catering to the varying preferences of riders worldwide. Whether it’s conquering rough terrains, enjoying exhilarating speed, or cruising in comfort, BMW motorcycles offer an unmatched riding experience.

Expansion into Automotive Construction

BMW made its entry into the automotive industry in 1928 through the acquisition of Fahrzeugfabrik Eisenach, a company that was producing Austin Sevens under license. This strategic move allowed BMW to establish its presence in the passenger car market and expand beyond its successful motorcycle manufacturing business.

At the time of the acquisition, Fahrzeugfabrik Eisenach had already gained recognition for its production of the popular Austin Seven, a compact and affordable car. With this acquisition, BMW gained access to valuable automotive expertise and a strong customer base.

The first car sold under the BMW name was a rebadged version of the Dixi, a small car produced by Fahrzeugfabrik Eisenach, called the BMW 3/15. This marked the beginning of BMW’s venture into automobile manufacturing.

Driven by a commitment to quality and innovation, BMW continued to expand its range of cars in the following years. The company introduced sports cars and luxury vehicles, catering to different segments of the market. BMW automobiles quickly gained a reputation for their precision engineering, performance, and luxurious features.

Today, BMW remains a respected and sought-after brand in the automotive market, known for its iconic designs, cutting-edge technology, and driving dynamics. The company’s dedication to producing high-quality automobiles has solidified its position as a leading player in the industry.

BMW Automobile Models

ModelYear Introduced
BMW 3281936
BMW 5021954
BMW 5071956
BMW 20021968
BMW 3 Series1975
BMW 5 Series1972
BMW 7 Series1977

BMW automobiles

BWM’s expansion into the automotive sector not only broadened its portfolio but also positioned the brand as a symbol of luxury, performance, and innovation in the industry. The company’s relentless pursuit of excellence continues to drive its success and captivate car enthusiasts worldwide.

BMW During World War II and Post-War Recovery

During World War II, BMW played a significant role in supporting the German war effort by focusing on aircraft engine production. The company’s expertise in engineering and manufacturing made it a vital contributor to the German war economy.

However, BMW’s factories were heavily targeted and bombed during the war, resulting in significant damage and disruption to their operations. After the war, Germany imposed strict restrictions on BMW, preventing the company from producing motor vehicles or aircraft.

To survive in the post-war period, BMW had to adapt and find alternative ways to utilize its resources. The company shifted its focus to producing everyday consumer goods, such as pots, pans, and bicycles.

BMW during World War II

It wasn’t until 1948 that BMW was able to resume motorcycle production. The demand for motorcycles increased due to their affordability and practicality in the post-war era.

In 1952, BMW made a significant leap forward by restarting car production with the introduction of the BMW 501 luxury saloon. This marked the beginning of BMW’s post-war recovery and reestablishment in the automotive industry.

Pivotal Moments During Post-War Recovery:

  • 1948: Resumption of motorcycle production.
  • 1952: Restart of car production with the BMW 501 luxury saloon.
  • With the reintroduction of motorcycles and cars, BMW gradually regained its position as a prominent player in the automotive market. The company’s commitment to innovation, craftsmanship, and precision engineering laid a solid foundation for its continued success.

    The New Class and BMW’s Resurgence

    In the 1960s, BMW introduced the New Class range of compact sedans, which re-established the company as a successful and modern carmaker. These new models showcased BMW’s commitment to innovation and quality, setting the stage for the brand’s resurgence in the automotive industry.

    The New Class models, including the iconic BMW 1500, quickly gained popularity and received positive reviews from both critics and customers. They offered a blend of style, performance, and affordability, making them highly desirable among car enthusiasts.

    As the demand for BMW’s New Class sedans grew, the company continued to expand its range of models, catering to different customer preferences and market segments. This expansion included the introduction of luxury coupes, large luxury sedans, and sports cars, further solidifying BMW’s position as a leading luxury automobile manufacturer.

    One of the significant milestones in BMW’s history was the launch of the BMW M Division in the 1970s. This division focused on developing high-performance vehicles, enhancing BMW’s reputation for engineering excellence and providing thrilling driving experiences.

    Today, the BMW M Division continues to produce some of the most sought-after performance cars in the market. From powerful M3 sedans to exhilarating M5 sports sedans, these vehicles epitomize BMW’s commitment to delivering exceptional performance, precision, and driving pleasure.

    Overall, the introduction of the New Class range and the establishment of the BMW M Division played pivotal roles in BMW’s resurgence as a leading automotive brand. These milestones not only revitalized the company but also set the stage for its continued success and innovation in the years to come.

    BMW New Class

    The iconic BMW 1500 from the New Class range played a significant role in BMW’s resurgence.

    Acquisitions and Expansion

    In the 1990s, BMW embarked on a series of strategic acquisitions that shaped the company’s future trajectory. One of the notable acquisitions was the Rover Group in 1994, which included the iconic Mini brand. This deal brought together two renowned automotive brands and presented opportunities for collaboration and expansion.

    However, the Rover acquisition proved to be a challenging endeavor for BMW. The company faced significant financial losses and struggled to integrate the Rover Group effectively. As a result, BMW made the difficult decision to sell off most of the Rover brands in 2000, while retaining the highly regarded Mini brand, which has since flourished under BMW’s ownership.

    BMW’s Acquisition of Rolls-Royce

    In the same year as the Rover Group divestment, BMW made another notable acquisition that further expanded its luxury vehicle portfolio—the rights to the Rolls-Royce brand. By acquiring Rolls-Royce Motor Cars, BMW solidified its position as a leading provider of premium automobiles, adding the legendary British luxury marque to its esteemed family of brands.

    “The acquisition of Rolls-Royce was a significant milestone for BMW, aligning two iconic brands renowned for their commitment to craftsmanship, elegance, and automotive excellence.”

    With this acquisition, BMW gained access to Rolls-Royce’s legacy of exquisite craftsmanship and timeless design, allowing the company to further elevate its offerings in the luxury segment.

    Today, the Rolls-Royce brand continues to thrive under BMW’s stewardship, producing some of the most luxurious and exclusive vehicles in the world.

    BMW acquisitions

    Innovation and Technology

    BMW has always been at the forefront of innovation and technology in the automotive industry. The company continuously strives to push the boundaries of what is possible, and this commitment is evident in its range of hybrid and electric vehicles as well as its turbocharged engines.

    Hybrid and Electric Vehicles

    BMW has been a pioneer in the development of hybrid and electric vehicles, catering to the increasing global demand for sustainable mobility solutions. In 2010, the company introduced its first hybrid vehicle, the BMW ActiveHybrid 7, combining a traditional combustion engine with electric power to reduce fuel consumption and emissions.

    Building on the success of its hybrid models, BMW launched the BMW i3 in 2013. The BMW i3 represents the brand’s first mass-produced electric car, offering zero-emission driving without compromising on performance or style. With its sleek design and advanced battery technology, the BMW i3 has become a symbol of BMW’s commitment to the future of electric mobility.

    Through continuous research and development, BMW plans to expand its lineup of hybrid and electric vehicles, providing customers with sustainable and efficient options for their everyday transportation needs.

    Turbocharged Engines

    BMW is renowned for its powerful and efficient turbocharged engines that deliver exceptional performance and fuel efficiency. The introduction of turbocharged engines to BMW’s lineup started in 2006 and has since become a significant part of the brand’s DNA.

    By combining the benefits of turbocharging with advanced fuel injection and engine management systems, BMW engines offer improved power delivery, reduced emissions, and enhanced fuel economy. From compact cars to high-performance sports vehicles, turbocharged engines have become synonymous with the BMW driving experience.

    With an unwavering focus on innovation and technology, BMW continues to refine its turbocharged engines, pursuing advancements that push the boundaries of performance and efficiency.

    BMW hybrid and electric vehicles

    Key Features of BMW Hybrid and Electric VehiclesBenefits of BMW Turbocharged Engines
    • Combination of traditional combustion engine and electric power
    • Reduced fuel consumption and emissions
    • Sleek and stylish designs
    • Advanced battery technology
    • Zero-emission driving
    • Improved power delivery
    • Reduced emissions
    • Enhanced fuel economy
    • Wide range of power options
    • High-performance capabilities

    BMW’s commitment to innovation and technology is evident in its range of hybrid and electric vehicles and turbocharged engines. Whether it’s the thrill of electric driving or the power delivered by a turbocharged engine, BMW continues to push the boundaries of what is possible, providing drivers with a dynamic and sustainable driving experience.

    Current Status and Future Outlook

    BMW, a global leader in the automotive industry, continues to thrive with its diverse range of vehicles and strong market presence worldwide. With a commitment to innovation and technological advancements, BMW is at the forefront of developing new technologies, particularly in the fields of electric and autonomous vehicles.

    As the world embraces sustainability and eco-friendly transportation, BMW is investing heavily in electric vehicle technology. The company has already made significant strides with models like the BMW i3 and the plug-in hybrid BMW ActiveHybrid 7. With a focus on reducing carbon emissions and increasing energy efficiency, BMW aims to lead the way in sustainable mobility.

    Looking ahead, BMW’s future plans involve not only the development of electric vehicles but also the integration of autonomous driving technologies. With ongoing research and partnerships, the company is actively working towards creating a future where cars can navigate and drive themselves, ensuring safer and more efficient transportation.

    BMW’s commitment to performance and luxury remains unwavering. The company’s innovative approach to design, engineering, and customer experience keeps it ahead of the competition. By providing cutting-edge features and unparalleled craftsmanship, BMW intends to maintain its position as a premier automotive brand and continue shaping the future of mobility.


    Who owns BMW?

    BMW is owned by the BMW Group, which is a publicly traded company. The major shareholders of BMW Group include the Quandt family, who own a significant stake in the company.

    What is the history of the BMW company?

    BMW’s history dates back to 1916 when it was founded as Bayerische Flugzeug-Werke AG (BFW). In 1922, it was rebranded as Bayerische Motoren Werke (BMW). Over the years, BMW has grown to become one of the world’s leading premium suppliers of automobiles, motorcycles, and mobility services.

    Who were the founders of BMW?

    BMW was founded by Karl Rapp and Gustav Otto. Karl Rapp’s company, Rapp Motorenwerke, became Bayerische Motoren Werke GmbH in 1917.

    What is the significance of the BMW emblem?

    The BMW emblem, which incorporates the Bavarian state colors, was first introduced in 1917. It has since become a symbol of the brand and represents the company’s origins in Bavaria, Germany.

    When and where did BMW relocate its operations?

    In 1922, BMW AG transferred its operations and brand names to Bayerische Flugzeug-Werke AG (BFW) and relocated to Munich’s Oberwiesenfeld airfield, where the company is still headquartered today.

    When did BMW enter the motorcycle industry?

    BMW introduced its first motorcycle, the BMW R 32, in 1923 at the Berlin Motor Show. This marked the beginning of BMW’s success in the motorcycle industry.

    When did BMW enter the automotive industry?

    BMW entered the automotive industry in 1928 with the acquisition of Fahrzeugfabrik Eisenach, which was producing Austin Sevens under license.

    How did BMW survive during World War II?

    During World War II, BMW focused on aircraft engine production. After the war, BMW turned to the production of consumer goods like pots, pans, and bicycles to survive. The company resumed motorcycle production in 1948 and car production in 1952.

    What is the significance of the BMW New Class?

    In the 1960s, BMW introduced the New Class range of compact sedans, which re-established the company as a successful carmaker. The New Class models, including the iconic BMW 1500, were well-received and contributed to BMW’s resurgence.

    What acquisitions did BMW make?

    In 1994, BMW acquired the Rover Group, which included the Mini brand. However, the Rover acquisition resulted in significant losses, leading to the sale of most of the Rover brands in 2000. BMW retained the Mini brand and acquired the rights to the Rolls-Royce brand in the same year.

    What are some of BMW’s notable technological advancements?

    BMW introduced its first hybrid vehicle, the BMW ActiveHybrid 7, in 2010, followed by the mass-produced electric car, the BMW i3, in 2013. BMW is also known for its turbocharged engines, which have been a significant part of its lineup since 2006.

    What is BMW’s current position in the automotive industry?

    BMW remains a leading player in the global automotive industry with a wide range of vehicles and a strong presence in various markets worldwide. The company continues to innovate and develop new technologies, including advancements in electric and autonomous vehicles.
