What Happened To Sebastian Robinson After Helicopter Crash? Survivor Story

May 2024 · 3 minute read

Sebastian Robinson was injured in a helicopter crash in a Northern Territory, Australia, which also took the life of National Geographic’s Outback Wrangler’s cast Chris Wilson.

They were one of the three helicopters collecting crocodiles’ eggs from swampy areas that day. Chris was tied to a rope and was hanging 30 meters below the helicopter to collect the eggs.

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What Happened To Sebastian Robinson After Helicopter Crash? 

Sebastian and Chris Wilson’sWilson’s helicopter didn’t respond to the other crew members for a long time, so a rescue team was sent to search for them.

Almost 90 minutes after the crash, the rescue team discovered the helicopter in a crashed state along with Chris’sChris’s body which was at the river bank 40 meters from the crash site.

Sebastian was airlifted to the hospital as he was still alive, and hopes of reviving his life were still on. He was initially sent to Darwin Hospital and transmitted to Royal Brisbane and Women’sWomen’s following his critical health conditions. He is out of danger and is recovering from his injuries.

Helicopter Crash’s Survivor Story

Sebastian Robinson is very thankful to the rescue team and the medical officials involved in reviving his life after that tragic helicopter crash. He is healing and will get back to his full potential very soon.

Sebastian said he wanted to tribute Chris Wilson by being present at his funeral but couldn’t do so as he was still fatally injured during that time.

According to him, the helicopter engines failed suddenly, leading it to fall and hit the ground hard. The pilot’s seats were cursed because of the impact of that hit.

Sebastian Robinson Wikipedia And Age

Sebastian is reported to be of 28 years old as of 2022. He was lucky that the rescue team could locate the crash site soon enough to save his life. 3 Robinson R44 helicopters were on a mission to collect crocodile eggs that day.

After the crew members of the other two helicopters didn’t receive any signal from the crashed helicopter, they informed the team on the ground, which arranged a search and rescue team.

Where Is Sebastian Robinson’s Wife Now?

Details about his personal life have not been provided to the media yet. The only information known to us is about his age which is 28 at the time of the crash. 

However, Chris Wilson, who couldn’t survive the crash, was the father of two kids. He married his wife Danielle and had with her two little boys, Ted and Austin. She said that the death of her husband deeply saddens her and still hopes that somehow he could return home to his family. 

